Research Unit ELICO EA 4147

Lyon research team in IT and communication services - ELICO

Sciences humaines et humanités

Address :
bet36体育在线 LUMIERE LYON 2 Département ICOM
5 Avenue Pierre Mendès-France
69676 Bron Cedex
Phone :
04 72 44 58 34
On the Internet :
External affiliation(s) :
École Nationale Supérieure des Sciences de l'Information et des Bibliothèques
Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Lyon
Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3
Université Lumière Lyon 2

Research topics

ELICO, a research group recognised in March 2007, brings together lecturers and researchers, and PhD students in IT and communication from 5 Lyon establishments (Lyon 1 / Lyon 2 / Lyon 3 university / Enssib / IEP Lyon).
The research team comprises lecturers/researchers from Lyon establishments. The members of the team hold a wide range of academic and professional qualifications (technical university (IUT), professional bachelor's and master's degrees): a wide range of qualifications, including, library training courses, which is specific to Lyon. This wide range of qualifications is a result of the links constantly being formed between information and communication.
The scientific activity of ELICO is centred around two main areas of expertise, the aim of which is to help to explain and understand the social, professional, industrial and economic issues, which are both significant and undergoing considerable changes, affecting the information and communication sectors, and for which the social aspects are of ever greater importance, and which are raising ever more issues for thought. The work analyses the recording and dissemination of knowledge, reconfiguration of the public space, from a media and document perspective, and the associated professional practices.
It relies strongly on the two founding dimensions of the disciplines: information and communication. The team is involved both in fundamental and applied research, so that the research and the results of this research can be fully useful to society.

The research of the ELICO team covers two main areas: the first looks at identities, language and medical practices; the second deals with digital libraries, documents and mediation.
Key words: Identities - media, journalism, library, digital document

Information and communication sciences, information, communication, media, press, new technologies, public, culture, libraries, document systems, document, digital, organisation